Barrington Public Library

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Barrington Public Library

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Hoopa Digital Services
Hoopla Movies image
Hoopla Music image
Hoopla television image
TV Episodes
Hoopla ebooks image
Hoopla Audiobooks image
Audio Books

Check them out just like a book.
Then download them to your device.

Already have an account? Go directly to
Prefer to read on paper? Click here to download PDF instructions!

What is hoopla?
Hoopla is a service provided by the Barrington Public Library to library card holders. You can borrow and then instantly download or stream dynamic content including eBooks, audiobooks, comics, music, movies, and TV. Hoopla content is accessed via the hoopla website, or hoopla's Android or iOS mobile apps. Simple to access and use. No waiting. No hassles.

How do I sign up?
Go to You'll need to create a new account and during that process you'll be asked to enter a valid email address and a password. You'll also be asked to identify your Library (which is, of course, US!! - Barrington Public Library, Barrington, NH), and you'll need to enter your library card number and pin. If you do not know your PIN, please contact us. 

How do I borrow items? 
Once you create an account and log into the hoopla website or set up the hoopla app (see below), you'll see the instructions for borrowing content appear on your screen for you to follow.

Can I download/borrow as many items as I want?
Our subscription with hoopla allows each patron to borrow up to 2 items per month. That number will re-set at the beginning of each calendar month. 

How long can I keep items, and how are they returned?
Most movies and TV episodes are available for 72 hours (3 days) from the time you borrow the title. Some publishers limit the borrow time to 48 hours (2 days). Most music albums are available for 7 days from the time you borrow the title. Most Audiobooks, comics, and eBooks are available for 21 days from the time you borrow the title. Returns are managed automatically by the hoopla website and/or mobile app.

How do I borrow and download or stream items on my tablet or smartphone?
You'll need to install the app for your device. You will find the "hoopla Digital" app in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Have you been getting an alert that says the Collective Daily Limit has been reached?
Hoopla is a pay-per-item service that the Library provides that has a monthly budget amount. That amount gets broken up over the total number of days within each month. At the beginning of each month, the daily amount gets used up quickly, resulting in users receiving the Collective Daily Borrow Limit alert.

Here are some suggestions:
- Check an item out as early in the day as possible (Some days this limit has been reached as early as 5 a.m.!)
- Check out items later in the month when the demand for borrows is lower
- Utilize the hoopla Bonus Borrows when they are available

What is hoopla Bonus Borrows?
If you are looking for something to read, listen to, or watch that is available to check out now without wait or restriction, you can check out the hoopla Bonus Borrows here which are offered at no cost to you or to the Library. They won't even count towards your monthly item limit! Bonus Borrows are available for the last seven days of each month.

Need more information? 
Below are a few instructional videos from the site - and you can always visit their help page directly for much more information and instruction.